Lunar New Year and Support for our Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities

By Pacific College - February 15, 2021
Malcolm Youngren, Interim CEO, Campus Director Pacific College New York

Dear Pacific College Community,

Wishes to all for a healthy and prosperous Lunar New Year and Year of the Ox.

In reflecting on Lunar New Year and the rich Asian history and culture that is part of our foundation as a world community and as a college, we stand with our Asian American and Pacific Islander communities against the rise in racism and hate crimes. As referenced in this weekend’s article in the New York Times and the Presidential Lunar New Year’s wishes for us all, we are committed to continuing to examine the past and work together to create a new future. This work requires sustained, proactive engagement and intentional efforts at micro- and macro-levels. Pacific College continues to work with the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee in responding to specific community needs and to create resources focused on anti-racism that are available to the Pacific community.

Resources for the Pacific College Community

Some resources for Pacific College Community members include the following:

 Inclusive Therapists:

A national directory of ethnically diverse clinicians who provide culturally affirming and responsive client care.  They aim to celebrate all identities and abilities in all bodies while dismantling systemic oppression in mental health care.

Asian Mental Health Collective (AMHC):

Provides a national directory of Asian mental health organizations and professionals that can be searched by state.  In addition to the directory, AMHC seeks to destigmatize mental illness and increase access to care by creating safe spaces for Asian Americans to discuss the impact of mental health in their communities.  These include online forums, in person meet-up groups, and mental health podcasts.

With Kindness,
Malcolm Youngren
Interim Chief Executive Officer
Campus Director—New York

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