Cosmopolitan Cites Pacific’s Dr. Leena Guptha on Essential Oils for Anxiety and Stress

November 23, 2022 Mara Santilli, writing for Cosmopolitan, the best-selling young women’s magazine in the U.S., recently cited Dr. Leena Guptha, ND, DO, Pacific College’s Academic Dean of Online Education at length in a recent article on essential oils for anxiety and stress relief. Essential oils can be helpful for grounding, as scents often function …

10 Anxiety Relieving Poses to Try When You Feel Overwhelmed

Anxiety is a huge problem in modern society. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, it affects nearly twenty percent of US adults. This makes it the nation’s most common mental health concern. While many people require a comprehensive approach to address the physical and emotional manifestations of anxiety, yoga can play a valuable role in relieving …

Rick Gold, Pacific College Founder, Interviewed on Mindfulness and Coping with Anxiety by ThriveGlobal

March 2nd, 2021 Rick Gold, one of the four founders of Pacific College, was recently interviewed by Candice Georgiadis of ThriveGlobal, an Ariana Huffington project focused upon the connection between well-being and performance recently featured an interview. Gold is also President and Executive Producer of Metta Mindfulness Music, a music production company dedicated to creating …

Leena Guptha, PCOM-SD’s Academic Dean of Graduate Studies, Cited on Anxiety-Reducing Habits by Romper

Anxiety and stress is a constant for many in today’s relentlessly fast-paced world. There are few among us who can’t make use of a few tools to reduce anxiety. One of those methods is positive affirmations: simple messages with optimistic messages that gain power through repetition–similar to mantras in some ways. Leena Guptha, DO, PCOM-San Diego’s …

Treating Anxiety and Depression – New and Old Methods for the Shen

I would describe Five Element or Five Phases theory as both a context and a lens, applied with intent to diagnose and treat a patient. “Five elements” and “five phases” are terms that have been used interchangeably, with slightly different meanings. “Five elements” describes five compository forces occurring in Nature, namely, earth, wood, metal, water and fire. Some scholars prefer to use the term “phases” rather than “elements,” in order to convey the morphing and co-affecting properties of the elements, and avoid portraying them as being static.

Holiday Qi: Acupuncture for Stress, Anxiety and the Holiday Blues

You may want to consider acupuncture for stress. Why? Depression is a condition that involves both the mind and the body and affects how a person feels, thinks, and behaves, and can often make a person feel anxious and apathetic. People who suffer from depression or anxiety can experience muscle pain, headaches, upset digestion, fatigue, …

Reflexology and Anxiety

Millions of people around the world suffer from anxiety.  While most individual experiences can be considered mild or temporary, there are others for whom anxiety is a debilitating mental and emotional disorder that can have significant negative effects on one’s physical, emotional, and social functions.  As an alternative treatment, reflexology massage is commonly recommended to …

Therapeutic Massage for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

By Alex A. Kecskes GAD sufferers are often overly concerned about health issues, money, family problems or difficulties on the job. They can have negative, fearful thoughts about the future or suffer excessive guilt about some past event. These concerns can last for months and are often groundless. Physical symptoms associated with GAD include muscle …

Using Acupressure to Relieve Pain and Anxiety

   by Alex A. Kecskes The ancient Chinese healing art of acupressure is similar to acupuncture, but instead of applying needles to certain points on the body, the technique uses finger pressure on these points. Like acupuncture, applying pressure on specific points of the body draws on the body’s natural abilities to cure itself. The …