Leena Guptha, PCOM-SD’s Academic Dean of Graduate Studies, Cited on Anxiety-Reducing Habits by Romper

Use Positive Affirmations

Anxiety and stress is a constant for many in today’s relentlessly fast-paced world. There are few among us who can’t make use of a few tools to reduce anxiety. One of those methods is positive affirmations: simple messages with optimistic messages that gain power through repetition–similar to mantras in some ways. Leena Guptha, DO, PCOM-San Diego’s Academic Dean of Graduate Studies, was cited on affirmations in “9 Anxiety-Reducing Habits That Every Grownass Woman Should Know” in Romper, a publication for millennial moms.

“Often a vicious cycle of stress, anxiety, fear and negative self-talk can quickly develop, we can lose sleep, feel powerless, out of control and fatigued,” Leena Guptha, dean of graduate studies at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, tells Romper. “Using positive affirmations repeatedly can have a calming effect when we are stressed or anxious.”

Give positive affirmations a try, or check out the other eight ways that Romper recommends for reducing anxiety.

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