Staff at Advanced Holistic Center

Irina Logman LAc, MSTOM, who graduated from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine – New York in the top 1% of her class, and Advanced Holistic Center, the practice she founded nearly 20 years ago, were extensively featured in a January 30th 2019 article published on Forbes.com: “The New Wall Street Power Lunch? It’s Acupuncture”. Irina Logman has found that the majority of her clientele are now New Yorkers working in the financial center of the city. It makes sense to her: high-stress jobs like those in finance can take a toll on health and lead to maladies like fatigue, insomnia, migraines, and general tension, and acupuncture can solve these issues for many people. According to Irina, “we are recognizing the need to protect against the physical and mental damage of stress. Many are now are choosing to stop by a local acupuncturist during their lunch hour, as it has been proven to help relieve a plethora of medical issues.”

For more about Irina’s practice, her experience in New York, and how acupuncture can relieve stress and other ailments, check out the full article!

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