Susan Fox, Initially Skeptical—Now Testifying to the Value of the Transitional Doctorate

A photo of Susan Fox

Susan Fox, student: “Having been in practice for nearly 18 years, I initially questioned the added value that Pacific College’s transitional doctoral program could provide. I can attest that it has been instrumental in my growth as a medical professional and has deepened my knowledge of integrative medicine and my community. The return on investment is in real time, as many of the lessons can be applied to practice immediately. For me, this program has been the best among the options of doctoral programs, not only for its accessibility and affordability, but also for its applicability.

As an example, the curriculum for Application of Inter-Personal Communications includes shadowing medical providers from other professions, creating marketing materials including videos and mission and vision statements, and discussing the options of electronic health records and scheduling systems. These assignments provided referral and marketing exercises that enhanced my network and practice.”

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