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Kickstart Your Connection with the Holistic Community: Innovative Natural Projects to Discover

One of the drawbacks of the internet is also one of its best perks. We are constantly online, but are also able to connect to people and places never before possible. Being constantly plugged in can sometimes make us feel like we are disconnected from what’s right in front of us. Chinese medicine is all …

Healing from the Inside Out: Looking at Food as Medicine

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” ~Ann Wigmore Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) operates on the belief that everything is connected. No symptom or pain in the body occurs in a vacuum—it’s always related to something else, and there are both …

Improve Your Sinuses Today: What to Eat to Avoid Inflammation

Everyone has allergies from time to time, but imagine your life if you had a stuffy or runny nose, headache, or sinus pressure every day? There is something natural that can not only reduce these symptoms, but make you feel more energized, boost your immune system, and can even improve your skin and hair health: eating foods …

Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Gluten-Free Lifestyle

By Alex A. Kecskes Traditional Chinese medicine can be helpful in treating a number of ailments. One common condition that many people suffer from is an intolerance to gluten. What is gluten? It’s the protein part of wheat, rye, barley, and other related grains, and for some people, gluten can be very hard to digest. …

The Role of TCM and Nutrition in Preventative Care

by Alex A. Kecskes An old Chinese medical proverb says–The best doctor treats the problem before the problem becomes the disease. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) uses herbs and medications, acupuncture, massage, and qi gong  (coordinating breathing patterns with various physical postures and body motions). TCM has been practiced in Asia for over 4,000 years. To …

Tea for Weight Loss

Many Americans are putting down the double-espresso mocha latte and exploring the extraordinary world of tea. Asian cultures realized its value centuries ago, and U.S. consumers are now finally catching on. Tea is being rediscovered as the miracle drink that others have revered for years. As the healthiest beverage in the world after water, tea …

Pomegranate Juice Fights Heart Disease

Courtesy of www.acufinder.com In China, the pomegranate fruit symbolized longevity. Now there is scientific evidence for the fruit’s restorative powers. Scientists have tested the juice in mice and found that it combats hardening of the arteries (atherogenesis) and related diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. According to results published in the August 2006 issue …