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Holistic Nursing Tips for Coping with Stress in the Workplace

Many of us experience some degree of stress in the workplace, but ironically, nurses (who help treat patients suffering from stress related illnesses) are experiencing stress at a much higher rate than most other groups, according to a study conducted by the American Nurses Association. In the study, 70.5% of nurses cited the effects of …

Stress Busters that Won’t Bite Back: No Side Effects, No Worries

Stress is universal. What’s not as common is the use of natural methods to prevent or relieve feeling stressed. We all deal with degrees of stress, and the range of intensity can be vast–from simply a bad mood to a serious problem. Feeling constantly overwhelmed or un-centered can lead to depression and have a serious …

An Ayurveda Diet for Stress Relief & Weight Loss

Ayurveda is an ancient healing tradition that views a person’s physical and emotional well-being as being based on the proper balance of vital energies. Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine share this fundamental belief in the importance of balanced energies. As one might imagine, both of these traditions view weight fluctuations in terms of how balanced …

Holiday Qi: Acupuncture for Stress, Anxiety and the Holiday Blues

You may want to consider acupuncture for stress. Why? Depression is a condition that involves both the mind and the body and affects how a person feels, thinks, and behaves, and can often make a person feel anxious and apathetic. People who suffer from depression or anxiety can experience muscle pain, headaches, upset digestion, fatigue, …

A Pointed Approach to Changing the Worlds

“Acupuncture can change the world,” said Robin Tiberi, Clinical Director of the Pacific Center of Health, San Diego ‘s longest-running acupuncture clinic and the original practice site for the students and faculty of the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. Tiberi is putting that conviction to work at the Peace Clinic, an informal, drop-in clinic offering …