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The Role of TCM and Nutrition in Preventative Care

by Alex A. Kecskes An old Chinese medical proverb says–The best doctor treats the problem before the problem becomes the disease. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) uses herbs and medications, acupuncture, massage, and qi gong  (coordinating breathing patterns with various physical postures and body motions). TCM has been practiced in Asia for over 4,000 years. To …

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Autism

According to Autism Speaks, the CDC reported that approximately 1 in 36 children are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder in the United States. Theories suggest vaccines are responsible, but there is growing concern that environmental toxins and pollution may be contributing factors. It is also theorized that nutrition, viral infections, immunizations, and antibiotics may be …

Pacific College Contributes to Annual Vietnam Stand-Down

The National Stand-Down for Homeless Veterans is an annual event that honors and seeks to physically and emotionally help homeless veterans. Each summer in San Diego, acupuncturist Mitch Lehman directs and organizes the National Stand Down for homeless veterans, held by Integrated Medicine Services. This year’s Stand Down will be held from the 17th through …

Using Acupressure to Relieve Pain and Anxiety

   by Alex A. Kecskes The ancient Chinese healing art of acupressure is similar to acupuncture, but instead of applying needles to certain points on the body, the technique uses finger pressure on these points. Like acupuncture, applying pressure on specific points of the body draws on the body’s natural abilities to cure itself. The …

Improve Your Healthcare, Discuss CAM

The acronym ‘CAM’ stands for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. CAM is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that include treatments such as herbal remedies, naturopathy, acupuncture, and meditation. CAM is currently not considered to be a part of conventional medicine, and because of this, it is not covered by …

Lymphatic Drainage and Facial Massage can Help Sinus Infections and Allergies

By Alex A. Kecskes The lymphatic system is a complex network of ducts and vessels that transfer white blood cells and antibodies to your organs and tissues. These cells and antibodies arm your immune system and help your body combat infections. Unlike the circulatory system, which uses the heart to pump blood to vital organs …

Improving Posture Can Improve Health, and TCM can Help

Posture is often overlooked as a health concern, but a person’s posture has a direct effect on his or her breathing, organ function, and muscle integrity. With the majority of American adults confined to desk and chair for 40 hours of the week, attention to posture is crucial for optimum health. In Chinese medicine, correct …