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Wellnest Cites Pacific’s Dr. Leena Guptha on Chasteberry for PMS

Lauren Tannenbaum and Mara Santilli, writing for Wellnest, the blog of HUM Nutrition, extensively cited Dr. Leena Guptha, DO, MBA, BCTMB, Pacific College’s Academic Dean of Online Education in a recent article on chasteberry for PMS. Tannenbaum and Santilli introduced the plant’s lengthy history (it even makes an appearance in the 8th century BCE Greek …

10 Clues That Your Screen Time Behavior is Impacting Your Vision

“My eyes are always tired” …“My eyes hurt” …“I’m having a hard time focusing” …“My eyes feel dry and irritated” …“Things look blurry” High amounts of screen time cause the body to give us vision—and quite often posture-related—feedback clues. It can also impact thinking and mood. Let’s focus on the visual system, because clues in …