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14 Benefits Of Acupuncture: The Mind/Body Connection

Unlocking the inherent healing potential of the human body can be a challenge. How to solve it? Have you ever thought about acupuncture? Acupuncture is an ancient practice grounded in the wisdom of Chinese medicine, offering a conduit to this natural reservoir of vitality. By nurturing equilibrium among body, mind, and spirit, acupuncture is aimed …

Holistic Medicine: A Guide for Beginners

The human body has a wonderful capacity to heal itself, yet many people deprive their bodies of that ability by solely focusing on traditional medicine for most ailments. Holistic medicine takes a whole-person approach to medical care and wellness. As more and more people want to feel better without reliance on drugs, this is an area growing in …

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Autism

According to Autism Speaks, the CDC reported that approximately 1 in 36 children are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder in the United States. Theories suggest vaccines are responsible, but there is growing concern that environmental toxins and pollution may be contributing factors. It is also theorized that nutrition, viral infections, immunizations, and antibiotics may be …