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Massage Therapy and Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is one of the most debilitating conditions that an estimated 5.8 million people in the U.S. suffer from.  The disease manifests itself in symptoms that involve muscle aches, pain, weakness, and joint stiffness.  It also involves unexplained fatigue, making it difficult for patients to move or perform normal daily activities.  Although fibromyalgia symptoms may …

Massage Therapy Can Strengthen Preterm Infant’s Immune System

Preterm infants are exposed to a number of stresses in pre-natal facilities including loud noises, bright lights, and the drawing of blood. Stresses like these can negatively impact an infant’s immune system. Massage therapy can help. Benefits of Massage Therapy for Premature Infants Massage therapy has been used to reduce stress in premature infants and …

Traditional Chinese Medicine to Lower Blood Pressure

Traditional Chinese medicine is a large practice composed of many aspects. There is acupuncture (the use of small needles to free and aid one’s qi), qi gong (a self healing art that combines meditation and movement), massage therapy, herbs, and various manners of meditation, to name a few. Each practice has specific ailments that it …